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Microsoft Office 365


Microsoft Office is a tool for Android that lets you create, view and edit Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint documents. You can work with any document stored locally in your device, as well as with documents stored in the cloud.

As soon as you open the app for the first time, check out all the features that Microsoft Office offers you. You can create or scan all the types of documents mentioned above, as well as perform different actions such as converting or signing PDF documents, scanning text files, creating quick notes, or even transferring files quickly. All of these features are just two clicks away.

Thanks to its permanent Internet connection, Microsoft Office gives the possibility to access all your documents anytime, anywhere. In addition, you can apply the changes directly in the cloud, and resume your work when you return home sitting in front of your computer. All the tools (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) also include the features of their desktop versions, so you can work in the most comfortable way.

Microsoft Office is a useful app for regular users of this type of Office tools. You can keep all these tools inside one app, perfectly organized, and with a lot of added benefits.


App Info:
Size: 109.5 Mb
File Type: .apk
OS: Android

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